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How to live more than 100 year

Updated: Jul 12, 2021

Leaving life as long as we can is a trick

ancient people live longer than 85-year But now a day lifestyle, saying something different from if this continued we will not last long as 85 years.

people die at a very young age started consuming bed walk didn't come out of the house they always use the internet in they are in the field of radiation they treat others badly

In today's time to live 100 years means to live an achievement skill, one whose lifestyle is very healthy, who eats least chemicals, who maintains his health, who does yoga and exercises, all these things written above are of today's. People who have disappeared in the younger generation have nothing to do with yoga and exercise and hope that they live 100 years until you convince yourself that your dream of living more than one year by doing yoga exercise will never come true. Can not be done And nothing happens just by doing yoga, if you eat dirty dirty things in your life like soft drinks and chemical substances then it is possible for you to live more than 100 years.

Here are some trick and tips that will lat you as long as possible



drink alcohol means destroying yourself if you drink one alcohol you will also try other types of Alcohol you will drink plenty of alcohol then you will die which ultimately leads to death

people die at a young age with their lungs and the internal body by drinking alcohol they start drinking alcohol cage and alcohol should not be consumed by any of any anyone who consumes alcohol will have to die to find someone drinking alcohol bottle and teach him the knowledge of Rankers course another student the alcohol if someone puts you you can complain him against the IPC act in India take a strict action Nowadays it is the trend of drinking alcohol people like to drink alcohol of different brand and nowadays this is the greatest moment of our country or in the world that they are showing advertisement in the television which is seen by planting millions and billions of people if they are among them anyone has started thinking they will food other 50 people spend an entire world will drink and everything will go around Indian television and other country television to stop showing ads of alcohol and stop promoting alcohol

drink lassi instead it is beneficial and ha many health benefit

2. stop eating sugar eat jaggery instead

Eating sugar contains lots of calories and carbohydrates which are not good for health but the main topic is that ki manufacturers at Sulphur and bad Chemicals to refined sugar

Sugar which is paying the contains bad and you should not eat if you are healthbeen member Eating sugar regularly cause diseases like diabetes and people Orphan for diabetes in very young age but this can be prevented by eating jaggery instead of sugar is available everywhere in India and at a low rate but sometimes it can be caused more time more money than the sugar why jaggery is online available in the market on the websites Sugar Contain Mini chemicals then jaggery manufactured only one chemical is added to it and when sugar is manufactured plenty of chemicals added to it keep this in mind

sugar is bad it contains sulfur and it is treated with chemical

use jaggery it is natural and also improves immunity

you can also use all and coconut sugar for different taste

3. Do exercise and yoga

exercise and yoga it never let you get old it will stay you connected with the world and subscribe to

yoga also made your body fitter and effective

We have played today special blog related to yoga and exercise please delete this blog and do exercise regularly so that it will help you Boost Your immunity and body posture and your mental health will be boosted immediately is blood comes to your brain

4. to alcohol and cigarettes

Both above will decrease your reproductivity and your mental health

both make your body dull and your nervous system became inactive

it is also a trend of consuming made things just like alcohol as described above it is same case people do is there only doesn't contain alcohol content means things which are bad

People think this is Trend and they started doing this but these is not trained people in that they attend they're destroying their life by smoking cause their lungs to be damaged and a very young age they will die. Smoking will ultimately lead to death and if you are a smoker please stop smoking or you will die within if you are smoking in 15 years you will die after 15 years and so on




Salt contains sodium chloride in NACL in which our body requires less amount of sodium and sodium requires a large amount of water to be dissolved and more out of body

You have to replace your salt with the Himalayan salt which is also known as in the Namak in India and this will require less salt to be dissolved in and out of the body and Boost Your immunity indirectly and help you increase your metabolism fast and less water as usual


Eat quality

Calorie restriction (CR) — eating 30 percent fewer calories per day without eliminating essential proteins, vitamins and minerals — has the potential to increase life and slow aging. In recent studies of rhesus monkeys, with whom we share 95 percent of our genes, researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have followed the primates for over 20 years and located CR delayed the onset of the many age-related diseases. Even more compelling: those that consumed fewer calories were stronger and looked younger than their counterparts on regular diets. Twenty years after the study began, 80 percent of the calorie-restricted monkeys were still alive, compared with 50 percent of the monkeys on normal diets.

In another study comparing the diets of individuals aged 35 to 82 over a six-year period, those on eat-less plans improved their triglycerides, with 95 percent reporting levels less than the typical North American in her 20s.

Proponents of CR say it isn’t about deprivation: It’s a high-quality, reducing diet which may mean cutting 300 to 500 calories (a bag of chips and a soda) out of your day. Meals are planned with long-term nourishment in mind. Think nutrient-dense vegetables and fruits (seven to 10 servings), complex carbs that slowly release energy (unrefined whole grains and legumes) and healthy fats from vegetable oil and oily fish. “CR are often such an easy change that it's like little quite a lean food diet,” says Brian Delaney, co-author of The Longevity Diet.

Beck also notes the connection between calories and long life. “Calorie restriction is believed to increase lifespan in two ways: First, cutting calories reduces the assembly of free radicals, highly damaging sorts of oxygen linked to aging. It also seems to extend the resistance of cells to worry , helping them live longer.”

4. Sleep and roll in the hay

“Most North Americans sleep in sleep deficit,” says Wassef. “If you check out long-lived cultures, you’ll see they get routine, adequate sleep. They prioritize it and that they don’t feel guilty about it.” Lack of sleep can offset important hormonal balances and it contributes to weight gain, depression and heart condition.

A little nocturnal action also has lifelong benefits. A study by Duke center in North Carolina found a woman’s past enjoyment of sex (indicating a history of a healthy, active sex life) was one among the highest three most vital predictors for increased and enhanced longevity, adding the maximum amount as four extra years.

5. Move a day

Exercising today offers benefits beyond tomorrow. Yoga, dance, t'ai chi and other core-building workouts improve balance to assist you avoid falls as you age. “Turn your home, community and work into places that present you with natural ways to maneuver ,” says Dan Buettner, author of The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest. “Focus on activities you're keen on like gardening, walking and twiddling with your family.”

Research also shows the fountain of youth may flow between the treadmill and dumbbells. “Muscles weaken with age; physical activity helps rejuvenate their stem cells and promote circulation,” says Dafna Benayahu, a medical researcher at Tel Aviv University. “Regular workouts may undo signs of aging elsewhere within the body.” One study found the cells of gym users who clocked 150 minutes of vigorous exercise every week looked about 10 years younger than non-exercisers. the simplest news is, it’s never too late to start out . Another study found improved memory skills in women aged 65 to 75 who took up strength training once or twice every week .

85 years are not more if you think you want to live up to 85 only but stop here it is not in your hand

Your health decide how much you will last

May you heard the survival of the fittest

The following factors decide how long will your last

*1 mental health

*2 physical health

*3 nutritional value

*4 BMI - which also give you the analysis of how well you are to calculate your BMI

FOLLOW this steps

@1 Calculate height and weight

@2 divide weight in kg by height's square in meters

The formula is like weight /(height)^2

*5 lifestyle - how you live, the place is suitable means place should be clean , oxygenated , not polite and well cleaned

*6 your neighbors

*means your friend circle

They are only one how has power to destroy and built you

If you think you can live till 80

So follow this strictly

How we spent our life

From the day of birth to death life cycle of human is given below in India

*1 birth to three years - infant and playing days

*2 three years to 18 - school days

*3 eighteen years to 26- higher studies

*4 twenty-six to 30 marriage life

****5 :⅓ life is wasted in sleeping eight hours

******* Some Indian sleep 12 hours a day including day sleep in women

They spent their half-life sleeping only. 💙😔


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Riddhi Parmar
Riddhi Parmar
May 09, 2021


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