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Busting myths about Covid vaccine

Updated: Jul 9, 2021

WhatsApp and other social media are trying to puke fake news related to covid here are some myth buster

MYTH 1: Covid-19 vaccine can cause Covid infection

FACT: Covid vaccine does not cause Covid infection. Covid symptoms soon after taking the vaccine occur due to exposure to the virus a few days before the vaccine, but without symptoms, and the other

the reason is getting infected during the trip outside for vaccination.

MYTH 2: Our immunity should be developed to combat the virus instead of taking the vaccine

FACT: No doubt our immunity must be developed for protecting our body from various types of Infections. However, despite people are getting severely affected with Covid infection. Vaccination for Covid definitely helps in controlling the severity of infection. As the records, the second wave of Covid is affecting the younger and not the older population as much. This fact is indicative that those who have completed two doses of the vaccine have developed good immunity And even if a person gets infected, the effect of the disease is milder

MYTH 3: There is no need for vaccination if a person has already suffered from Covid-19

FACT: Covid vaccination is recommended worldwide for every individual. If a Covid infection has occurred, the person should wait for about three months before taking the vaccine, but vaccination is a must.

MYTH 4: Covid vaccination cannot be taken during the menstrual cycle

FACT: There is no restriction nor contra-indication to taking the vaccine during the menstrual cycle. It is safe and equally effective.

MYTH 5: Once vaccination is done, there is no need for following Covid protocols like wearing the mask, hand sanitization, and social distancing

FACT: For the immunity to develop, in the normal course, it takes about a month after completion of two doses of either Covishield or Covaxin. The duration between two doses should ideally be 12 weeks, and 8-10 weeks is recommended by the Government of India.

Thus, after taking the first dose of the vaccine it takes 3-4 months for the immunity to be well-developed. During this period it is crucial to follow all Covid protocols. We still do not have adequate literature regarding the incidence of infection after 3-4 months

of the first dose. Hence, till further directives are received, all the Covid protocols must be followed

MYTH 6: Covaxin is better than Covishield as it has fewer side effects

FACT: The number of doses of Covaxin given to the public is much less as compared to Covishield. In general, only 5-6% of the healthcare workers had received Covaxin, the majority 94% being Covishield, as per the survey conducted by the Association of Medical Consultants recently Hence, it appears that Covaxin produces fewer side effects

MYTH 7: The side effects of vaccination are scary and can lead to death

FACT: There are some side effects of the vaccinations, but they do not occur in all those who are vaccinated. As per the categorization. mild side-effects are injection site pain for a few days, body ache, a weakness that goes away in a few days. In the moderate category, there is a fever that extends beyond 48 hours, myalgia (body ache), weakness interfering with regular work, but this can be treated with a minor supportive treatment and does not require hospitalization Majority of the side-effects fall into these two categories. The severe side-effects are noted in only 0.1% of people who are vaccinated, which can occur in others vaccines as well.

MYTH 8: The side effects will be more severe with the second dose

FACT: On the contrary, the side effects of the second dose of vaccine, when the same vaccine is taken (which is very important to remember), are much milder than the first dose

MYTH 9: All other medications have to be stopped before undergoing vaccination

FACT: All medications can be continued without interruption before and even after vaccination. However if there are pre-exist ing allergies to any medication, the information must be provided to the vaccination center so that they can counter-check with the list of constituents and instructions of the vaccine

MYTH 10: The vaccine is dangerous for those who have heart disease or cancer

FACT: People who suffer from heart disease or cancer are at a much higher risk of getting infected with Covid Hence, they should take the vaccine at the earliest. However, if there are ongoing medications, it is best to consult your doctor for further guidance in this regard.

MYTH 11: Some miraculous prison shown by Baba and he did not save you

Baba has made his own game in the recent past of this corona, he brings many different types of tricks, a video has been put on YouTube to cheat people. what is that

That baba says that listen to him and drink the juice of a vegetable fruit, it will give you a lot of strength, this is a lie, a white lie, we will request Baba to delete that video, legal action will be taken.

I have heard the news of this coronavirus, please do not believe these eyes, which when you come from these prayers, nobody will do anything like this, but it will cause your pollution and pollution will make you breathless and from whom it will happen.

Show a voice on WhatsApp was coming that if you mix neem water with some other herbs then you will not mind it is a white lie, if this happens then all the court patients are cured like this and do not have to take any medicine please like this do not share and never share it with others, it can harm someone, it can even kill someone, always take care of your poor

Those who spread this news make their prey those people who are less educated and who do not have the right knowledge, keep yourself knowledgeable and be blessed to be saved from the fake news.

may you are in the best of your health

live happily and keep your family happy

Myth: Coronavirus can live alive on tough surfaces for 2-three hours on the most .

Fact: The period of some time coronavirus remainsstayrelies uponat thefloor. regular with a currentexaminepostedin the New England Journal of drugs , the virus that reasons COVID-19 is detectable in the air for up to three hours, as much as 24 hours on cardboard and as much as 2-three days on plastic and chrome steel . While this could sound alarming, the amount of stay virus lastat thefloor after this period of some time is extraordinarily small. the handiestway toshieldyour self is to neverthelesssmooth and disinfect surfaces that quite a fewhumans are to be hadtouch with. These encompass tables, doorknobs, mild switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks. Avoid touching high-touch surfaces publicly . Myth: you mustnow no longerpercentage a washing machine with a coronavirus-inflamedindividual.

Fact: you will use a washing machine that has wiped clean an inflamedindividual’s garments. The CDC says you will wash an inflamedindividual’s garments with the onesof someonenow no longer ill, and advises the usage of your normal detergent then drying the mattersvery wellin the warmest temperatures endorsedat thegarb label. For deliveredprotection, the CDC recommends carrying disposable gloves, preservinggrimyclothesaway from your body, and washing your armsstraight away after doing away with your gloves. Clean and disinfect garb hampers the usage of an EPA-registered family disinfectant.

Myth: you willagreement COVID-19 from a piece of mail or introducedpackage deal.

Fact: the planet Health Organization dispelled this myth, saying “the probability of an inflamedindividual contaminating industrialitems is low, and consequently the threat of catching the virus that reasons COVID-19 from a package deal that has been moved, travelled, and uncovered to extraordinarysituations and temperatures is moreover low.” Before a package deal arrives on the doorstep , it is been uncovered to numerous temperatures that the coronavirus is not going to continue to exist. Myth: I can agreement COVID-19 from the grocery worker who rang up my order with outcarrying gloves. Fact: regular with the CDC, there may be no contemporaryproof of meals or meals packaging being associated with the transmission of COVID-19. However, due to the fact the virus can continue to exist surfaces for hours or days, the CDC recommends following their preferred steps for mealsprotection - wash your arms with cleaning soap and water earlier thandealing withmeals, rinse produce beneathneathwalking water earlier than eating, and scrub produce with a produce brush. For packaged foods, take into accountcleansing the floor of the packaging with disinfectant.

Myth: Homemade disinfectant doesn’t paintingsadditionally as store-sold in combatingtowards COVID-19.

Fact: If you rent the proper base, like bleach - now no longer vinegar, as itis notsturdy enough - your home made disinfectant is truly as powerfuldue to the fact the store-sold kind. regular with the CDC, a combination of 1/third cup of non-expired bleach with one gallon of water can efficaciously disinfect surfaces towards the coronavirus. Important protection notes whilerunning with bleach: continuallyput on gloves and by no meansblend bleach with vinegar, ammonia, isopropanol or some otherfamily cleaner. Additionally, alcohol containing disinfectant answersmay also be used- they mustown 70% alcohol. All of theserecommendations are useful in looking tolive you and your own circle of relativeshealthful and secure from COVID-19. But remember, one many of theessentialpowerfulapproaches to hold off germs and viruses is to clean your armsfrequently and properly. “Diligent hand hygiene will continually be one many of theessentialcrucial defenses all parentswant to lessen the threat of catching all varieties ofcontamination and turning into ill,” stated Helen Arnold, RN, an contamination prevention professional at Banner Desert middle and Banner Children’s at Cardon Children’s middle . “This is properwhether or notwe'reat some point of a health center or network setting.

some myth about vaccine

1. Myth: The vaccines have been rushed.

While the modern-day COVID-19 vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech have beenevolvedfast, researchers observed the equaltactics they do after theytake a look at any clinical treatment. “It surelychanged intoa farquicker deployment than is usual of vaccine deployment, however that doesn’t imply that steps have been skipped or any of the essentialcomponents of assessmenthave been overlooked,” Pitzer explained. “The cause why it changed intoviable to broaden a vaccine so fast is that it changed intoconstructing off a whole lot ofstudies that has been occurring for years.” Dr. Liam Sullivan, an infectious disorderprofessional at Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids, Michigan, stateda number of the vaccine improvementchanged intoprimarily based totally on beyondstudiesperformed for a SARS vaccine, which changed into shelved whilst it changed intonow not needed. COVID-19 Vaccine Q&As Do I want to put on a masks after I'm vaccinated for COVID-19? Will youngsters or pregnant ladies be capable of get a COVID-19 vaccine? Can my corporation make the vaccine mandatory? When can grandparents see grandkids once you have a COVID-19 vaccine? Can I touronce you have vaccinated? See more “They have beencapable ofpracticea whole lot of the trainingthat they'dfound outwithinside the vaccine studies for that (SARS) coronavirus to the vaccine studies for this modern-day coronavirus,” he advised TODAY. Dr. Jeffrey Carson, a provost at Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences in New Brunswick, New Jersey, who'sworried with the segmentthreemedical trial of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, stated all vaccine applicants are going viathe same old process. “No doubt it’s been carried out very fast, however they’ve been carried out with modern daymedical trial methodology,” he advised TODAY. “We’re the use of all the same oldmedical trial strategies that we’re the use of in any healingassessment.”

2. Myth: The vaccine edits or modifications DNA.

The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines use messenger RNA to supply the spike protein to the cells to inspire the frameto provide an immunity to COVID-19. Some humansassume that the mRNA modificationshumans’s DNA or edits cells. “That is truly 100% a myth,” Sullivan says. “We have DNA in our cells. What takes place is DNA is transcribed into mRNA after which the mRNA receives translated right into a protein … In human cells, we can’t move backward on this process. In different words, you can’t make DNA from RNA.” Pitzer says it’s only adistinctivemanner of the use of the frame to broaden a protectiontowards a virus. “What the vaccine is doing is to apply the cells in our very ownour bodiesto provide the spike protein to generate the immune response,” she stated. “That does notimply that it isgenuinely doing some thing to the genes withinside the human cell. It's simplyessentiallypermitting the man or woman cells to be type of the equipment that generates protein as an alternativeof getting to do this externally.”

three. Myth: The vaccine reasons infertility in ladies, sterility in men.

“That’s simply an arbitrary statement,” Adalja stated. “It's simplyessentially cognitively meaningless to mentionsome thing like that.” Carson agrees. There’s no proof that I’m aware about that’s ever tested that,” he stated. "That's simply an unlucky statement." And, Pitzer stated there’s no purpose to trust the vaccine couldeffect one’s cappotential to have children. “There's not anything biologically that the vaccine is doing that wouldin all likelihood be connected to sterility or infertility,” she stated.

4. Myth: The vaccine reasons COVID-19.

People frequently mistakenly trustthat a vaccine will purposesomeone to increase the illness. That’s simplynow no longer possible. “The virus itself isn'ta part of the vaccine. The handiestissuethis isblanketedwithinside the vaccine is the spike protein — how your frameacknowledges the virus,” Pitzer stated. “It doesn’t consist ofevery otherfactors of the virus that mightpurpose COVID-19 illness.” While humansfrequentlysuppose that “herbal immunity,” what one develops upon getting an illness, is better, the professionals say that’s now no longer true. “When you areconsideringherbal infection, it issurelya touchlittle bit of Russian roulette,” Adalja stated. “If you try and get herbal immunity, you couldcome to be with a few. You may alsocome to be killing someonewithinside the process. Or you couldcome to be with long-haul symptoms.”

5. Myth: You handiestwant one shot The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines require shots. If approved, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will probablyhandiest require one shot. While the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine indicatesrobustsafety after one dose, the professionals say humans receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine need to get as recommended. “The observebecome designed to peer how properly the vaccine laboredwhilehumanswere given injections,” Sullivan stated. While the informationindicates that humansacquirea fewsafety after the primary dose, Sullivan says humansneed to get eachdue to the fact that’s what works best. “We can't interpret (the information) as saying, ‘Oh properly we’re covered after handiest getting one injection,’” he stated

get the vaccine as soon as possible

(The writer is President, Association of Medical Consultants)

edited by health been partners

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